• 0.3.2 faa3ff6a02

    Version 0.3.2 Stable

    chl released this 2021-12-05 02:09:37 +01:00 | 6 commits to master since this release


    Go to Home > Setup > Modules/Applications and Deploy/install external app/module tab (or via the URL http://YOUR-DOLIBARR-URL/admin/modules.php?mode=deploy) and upload the module_sendrecurringinvoicebymail-0.3.2.zip file.

    Next, activate the newly available sendrecurringinvoicebymail module, and probably the Scheduled jobs (alias cron or modCron) integrated module too.

    If you are upgrading, this release needs to modify the database schema : follow the procedure on the Readme (briefly : disable the module, deploy the module's updated files, reenable the module).
