array('arg' => 'w', 'intitule' => 'warning'), STATE_CRITICAL => array('arg' => 'c', 'intitule' => 'critical'), ); $finalMsg = array( STATE_OK => 'OK', STATE_WARNING => 'WARNING:', STATE_CRITICAL => 'CRITICAL:', ); $finalState = STATE_OK; // Checking values in command line arguments foreach ($compil as $item) { if ( ! isset($options[$item['arg']])) { printf("ERROR: Missing argument '%s' (%s).\n", $item['arg'], $item['intitule']); exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } $options[$item['arg']] = (int) $options[$item['arg']]; if ($options[$item['arg']] <= 0) { printf("ERROR: Unacceptable value for '%s' (%s).\n", $item['arg'], $item['intitule']); exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } } if ($options['c'] > $options['w']) { echo "ERROR: warning level lower than critical level.\n"; exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } // Lecture des informations de connexion if ( ! ($identifiants = parse_ini_file('.auth-api-ovh.ini'))) { echo "ERREUR: Impossible de récupérer les identifiants de connexion à l'API OVH.\n"; exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } try { $soap = new SoapClient(""); //login $session = $soap->login($identifiants['login'], $identifiants['password'],"fr", false); // checks... $listingExpirations = $soap->billingGetReferencesToExpired($session, $options['w']); // We try to avoid making a second call to the OVH API // (no wasting of resources :) // so we check, for each element, if the expiration delay is below the // critical level foreach ($listingExpirations as $item) { if (strtotime($item->expired) < (time() + 86400 * $options['c'])) { $finalMsg[STATE_CRITICAL] .= ' [' . $item->name . '(' . $item->type . ') will expire at ' . $item->expired . ']'; $finalState = STATE_CRITICAL; } else { $finalMsg[STATE_WARNING] .= ' [' . $item->name . '(' . $item->type . ') will expire at ' . $item->expired . ']'; if ($finalState == STATE_OK) $finalState = STATE_WARNING; } } //logout $soap->logout($session); } catch(SoapFault $fault) { echo "ERREUR: soapi: " . $fault; exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } // Code de retour Ok echo $finalMsg[$finalState] . "\n"; exit($finalState);