#!/bin/sh # Little check for quota usage on Btrfs subvolumes # GPL v3+ (copyright chl-dev@bugness.org) PROGPATH=$( echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,' ) REVISION="0.1" # Stop at the first non-catched error set -e # Include check_range() # Not needed at the moment #. $PROGPATH/utils.sh STATE_OK=0 STATE_WARNING=1 STATE_CRITICAL=2 STATE_UNKNOWN=3 STATE_DEPENDENT=4 # Default values RANGE_WARNING="20%" RANGE_CRITICAL="10%" # Output OUTPUT_EXIT_STATUS=$STATE_OK OUTPUT_DETAIL_OK="" OUTPUT_DETAIL_WARNING="" OUTPUT_DETAIL_CRITICAL="" OUTPUT_PERFDATA="" # # Help function # usage() { cat </dev/null 2>&1 # if [ "$?" -eq "2" ]; then # return 1 # fi # return 0 #} # # Remove the '%' suffix (or error if no '%') # get_percent() { if [ "$( echo -n "$1" | tail -c 1 )" = "%" ]; then echo -n "$1" | head -c -1 return 0 fi return 1 } # # Uniformize thresholds: # if "20%" then calculate # else leave as is # args: # 1: MAXVALUE # 2: THRESHOLD # get_absolute_threshold() { local MAXVALUE="$1" local THRESHOLD="$2" if get_percent "$THRESHOLD" >/dev/null; then echo "$(( $MAXVALUE * ( 100 - $( get_percent "$THRESHOLD" ) ) / 100 ))" else echo "$(( $MAXVALUE - $THRESHOLD ))" fi } # # Returns 1 if value is above threshold, 0 if not # # args: # - value # - quota (aka. maximum space possible) # - threshold (in percent with a '%' suffix, or plain unit) # check_above_threshold() { local VALUE="$1" local MAXVALUE="$2" local THRESHOLD="$3" if [ "$VALUE" -gt "$( get_absolute_threshold "$MAXVALUE" "$THRESHOLD" )" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # # Factorize output in the form of: # /home:0/260 (refr:10M(50%) excl:5M(20%) # args: # 1: VOLUME # 2: QGROUPID # 3: REFR # 4: EXCL # 5: MAXRFER # 6: MAXEXCL # 7: SUBVOLUMEPATH format_output_item() { local LOCAL_OUTPUT="" if [ "$5" != "none" ]; then LOCAL_OUTPUT="$( printf "rfer:%s(%d%%)" \ "$( numfmt --to=iec $(( $5 - $3 )) )" \ "$(( 100 * ($5 - $3) / $5 ))" \ )" fi if [ "$6" != "none" ]; then [ -n "$LOCAL_OUTPUT" ] && LOCAL_OUTPUT="$LOCAL_OUTPUT " LOCAL_OUTPUT="$( printf "excl:%s(%d%%)" \ "$( numfmt --to=iec $(( $6 - $4 )) )" \ "$(( 100 * ($6 - $4) / $6 ))" \ )" fi if [ -n "$LOCAL_OUTPUT" ]; then printf "%s:%s (%s)" "$1" "$2$( test -n "$7" && echo ":$7" )" "$LOCAL_OUTPUT" fi } # Some early checks if ! which btrfs 2>&1 >/dev/null; then echo "UNKNOWN 'btrfs' command not found." exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi # # Loop on parameters + tests # while getopts hw:c:V: f; do case "$f" in 'h') usage exit ;; 'w') if check_range_syntax "$OPTARG" >/dev/null; then RANGE_WARNING="$OPTARG" else echo "UNKNOWN: invalid range." exit 3 fi ;; 'c') if check_range_syntax "$OPTARG" >/dev/null; then RANGE_CRITICAL="$OPTARG" else echo "UNKNOWN: invalid range." exit 3 fi ;; 'V') VOLUME="$OPTARG" # Quickly check if we have enough permission to launch btrfs commands if ! btrfs qgroup show "$VOLUME" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "UNKNOWN: unable to launch 'btrfs qgroup show $VOLUME' command." exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi # Loop on each qgroup # (the kinda weird <' like '' so # we slaped a tr '<>' '_' at the end... OUTPUT_PERFDATA="$( printf "%s\n%s\n%s" "$OUTPUT_PERFDATA" "$VOLUME:$QGROUPID:$SUBVOLUMEPATH:rfer=$PERFDATA_RFER" "$VOLUME:$QGROUPID:$SUBVOLUMEPATH:excl=$PERFDATA_EXCL" | tr '<>' '_')" done <