MACRO['TIMET'] != ""){ $def[1] .= "VRULE:".$this->MACRO['TIMET']."#000000:\"Last Service Check \\n\" "; } // Request per Second $opt[2] = " --vertical-label \"Anzahl\" --title \"Apache Requests per Second for $hostname\" --lower-limit 0 "; $ds_name[2] = 'Server-Status'; $def[2] = "DEF:var12=$RRDFILE[11]:$DS[11]:AVERAGE " ; $def[2] .= "LINE1:var12#ffae2d:\"Requests per Second \" "; $def[2] .= "GPRINT:var12:LAST:\"%4.0lf last\" " ; $def[2] .= "GPRINT:var12:AVERAGE:\"%4.0lf avg\" " ; $def[2] .= "GPRINT:var12:MAX:\"%4.0lf max\\n\" " ; // Bytes per Second and Bytes per Request $opt[3] = " --vertical-label \"Anzahl\" --title \"Apache Bytes per ... for $hostname\" --lower-limit 0 "; $ds_name[3] = 'Server-Status'; $def[3] = "DEF:var13=$RRDFILE[2]:$DS[2]:AVERAGE " ; $def[3] .= "DEF:var14=$RRDFILE[1]:$DS[1]:AVERAGE " ; $def[3] .= "LINE1:var13#db60f7:\"Bytes per Second \" "; $def[3] .= "GPRINT:var13:LAST:\"%4.0lf last\" " ; $def[3] .= "GPRINT:var13:AVERAGE:\"%4.0lf avg\" " ; $def[3] .= "GPRINT:var13:MAX:\"%4.0lf max\\n\" " ; $def[3] .= "LINE1:var14#5fe27b:\"Bytes per Request \" "; $def[3] .= "GPRINT:var14:LAST:\"%4.0lf last\" " ; $def[3] .= "GPRINT:var14:AVERAGE:\"%4.0lf avg\" " ; $def[3] .= "GPRINT:var14:MAX:\"%4.0lf max\\n\" " ; $opt[4] = " --vertical-label \"Anzahl\" --title \"Apache Total access and kBytes for $hostname\" --lower-limit 0 "; $ds_name[4] = 'Server-Status'; $def[4] = "DEF:var15=$RRDFILE[14]:$DS[14]:AVERAGE " . "DEF:var16=$RRDFILE[15]:$DS[15]:AVERAGE " . rrd::area('var16', '#004400') . rrd::line1('var16', '#003300', 'Total_kBytes') . rrd::gprint('var16', array('LAST', 'AVERAGE', 'MAX'), "%7.2lf %SkB/s") . rrd::line1('var15', '#999999', 'Total_Accesses') . rrd::gprint('var15', array('LAST', 'AVERAGE', 'MAX'), "%7.2lf %SHits/s");