Chl ae6b0cd544 Commit initial
Tout frais sorti de ModuleBuilder (9.0.0-beta 0fb95c91a4faf0930a6a744dec307d3ffc517157)
2018-12-01 22:40:20 +01:00

205 lines
5.4 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Laurent Destailleur <>
* This file is an example to follow to add your own email selector inside
* the Dolibarr email tool.
* Follow instructions given in README file to know what to change to build
* your own emailing list selector.
* Code that need to be changed in this file are marked by "CHANGE THIS" tag.
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/modules/mailings/modules_mailings.php';
* mailing_mailinglist_sendfacrecmail
class mailing_mailinglist_sendfacrecmail_myobject extends MailingTargets
// CHANGE THIS: Put here a name not already used
var $name='mailinglist_sendfacrecmail_myobject';
// CHANGE THIS: Put here a description of your selector module
var $desc='My object emailing target selector';
// CHANGE THIS: Set to 1 if selector is available for admin users only
var $require_admin=0;
var $enabled=0;
var $require_module=array();
var $picto='sendfacrecmail@sendfacrecmail';
* @var DoliDB Database handler.
public $db;
* Constructor
* @param DoliDB $db Database handler
function __construct($db)
global $conf;
if (is_array($conf->modules))
* Affiche formulaire de filtre qui apparait dans page de selection des destinataires de mailings
* @return string Retourne zone select
function formFilter()
global $langs;
$form=new Form($this->db);
$arraystatus=array(1=>'Option 1', 2=>'Option 2');
$s.=$langs->trans("Status").': ';
$s.='<select name="filter" class="flat">';
$s.='<option value="none">&nbsp;</option>';
foreach($arraystatus as $status)
$s.='<option value="'.$status.'">'.$status.'</option>';
return $s;
* Renvoie url lien vers fiche de la source du destinataire du mailing
* @param int $id ID
* @return string Url lien
function url($id)
return '<a href="'.dol_buildpath('/sendfacrecmail/myobject_card.php',1).'?id='.$id.'">'.img_object('',"generic").'</a>';
// phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.NotCamelCaps
* This is the main function that returns the array of emails
* @param int $mailing_id Id of emailing
* @param array $filtersarray Requete sql de selection des destinataires
* @return int <0 if error, number of emails added if ok
function add_to_target($mailing_id,$filtersarray=array())
// phpcs:enable
$target = array();
$cibles = array();
$j = 0;
$sql = " select rowid as id, email, firstname, lastname, plan, partner";
$sql.= " from ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."myobject";
$sql.= " where email IS NOT NULL AND email != ''";
if (! empty($_POST['filter']) && $_POST['filter'] != 'none') $sql.= " AND status = '".$this->db->escape($_POST['filter'])."'";
$sql.= " ORDER BY email";
// Stocke destinataires dans cibles
if ($result)
$num = $this->db->num_rows($result);
$i = 0;
dol_syslog("mailinglist_sendfacrecmail_myobject.modules.php: mailing ".$num." targets found");
$old = '';
while ($i < $num)
$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
if ($old <> $obj->email)
$cibles[$j] = array(
'email' => $obj->email,
'name' => $obj->lastname,
'id' => $obj->id,
'firstname' => $obj->firstname,
'other' => $obj->plan.';'.$obj->partner,
'source_url' => $this->url($obj->id),
'source_id' => $obj->id,
'source_type' => 'dolicloud'
$old = $obj->email;
return -1;
// You must fill the $target array with record like this
// $target[0]=array('email'=>'email_0','name'=>'name_0','firstname'=>'firstname_0');
// ...
// $target[n]=array('email'=>'email_n','name'=>'name_n','firstname'=>'firstname_n');
// Example: $target[0]=array('email'=>'','name'=>'Doe','firstname'=>'John');
// ----- Your code end here -----
return parent::add_to_target($mailing_id, $cibles);
* On the main mailing area, there is a box with statistics.
* If you want to add a line in this report you must provide an
* array of SQL request that returns two field:
* One called "label", One called "nb".
* @return array
function getSqlArrayForStats()
// CHANGE THIS: Optionnal
//var $statssql=array();
//$this->statssql[0]="SELECT field1 as label, count(distinct(email)) as nb FROM mytable WHERE email IS NOT NULL";
return array();
* Return here number of distinct emails returned by your selector.
* For example if this selector is used to extract 500 different
* emails from a text file, this function must return 500.
* @param string $filter Filter
* @param string $option Options
* @return int Nb of recipients or -1 if KO
function getNbOfRecipients($filter=1,$option='')
$a=parent::getNbOfRecipients("select count(distinct(email)) as nb from ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."myobject as p where email IS NOT NULL AND email != ''");
if ($a < 0) return -1;
return $a;