# Creates a module_sendrecurringinvoicebymail-X.Y.Z.zip file when pushing a tag # # This job is mainly useless (Forgejo already creates a usable .zip archive, # minus the name) and serves more as a warmup for a decent CI/CD tryout. on: push: tags: # For the time being, we only trigger on the tags clearly matching a # '1.2.3' version pattern. - '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+' env: MYFILENAME: "module_sendrecurringinvoicebymail-${{ github.ref_name }}" jobs: GenerateReleaseZipfile: runs-on: docker container: image: code.bugness.org/chl/alpine-wget-git-zip:latest steps: - name: Download the automatic repository archive run: | # In case the repository is private, we build an authenticated URL # with our action token. MY_GITHUB_AUTHENTICATED_URL="$( echo "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL" | sed "s#^\(https\?://\)#\1$GITHUB_TOKEN\@#" )" wget -O "$MYFILENAME.zip" "$MY_GITHUB_AUTHENTICATED_URL"/"$GITHUB_REPOSITORY"/archive/"$GITHUB_REF_NAME".zip - name: A bit of useless cleanup run: | #apk add zip # On Forgejo, GITHUB_REPOSITORY="owner/repo" (and we just want the 'repo' part) MY_REPOSITORY="$( echo "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" | sed 's/.*\///' )" zip -d "$MYFILENAME.zip" \ "$MY_REPOSITORY/.editorconfig" \ "$MY_REPOSITORY/.gitattributes" \ "$MY_REPOSITORY/.gitignore" \ "$MY_REPOSITORY/.tx*" - name: Upload artifact (using v4) run: | set -ex # The busybox version of wget does not offer --method=PUT as of 2024-08-26 #apk add wget # We extract the Actions.Results:22:33 from ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN # (base64 -d doesn't like when the '==' padding is missing, so 2>/dev/null and relying on the piping to forget about non-zero return code...) read WORKFLOW_RUN_BACKEND_ID WORKFLOW_JOB_RUN_BACKEND_ID </dev/null | sed 's/.*Actions.Results:\([^:]\+\):\([^:" ]\+\).*/\1 \2/' ) EOF # Get the upload URL # note: we use the name without .zip, it seems to be added automatically. RESPONSE="$( wget -O - \ --header 'Content-Type:application/json' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ --post-data "$( printf '{"version":4, "name":"%s", "workflow_run_backend_id":"%s", "workflow_job_run_backend_id":"%s"}' "$MYFILENAME" "$WORKFLOW_RUN_BACKEND_ID" "$WORKFLOW_JOB_RUN_BACKEND_ID" )" \ "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL"/twirp/github.actions.results.api.v1.ArtifactService/CreateArtifact )" # We get a JSON with an signedUploadUrl similar to : # https://entrepot.xlii.si/twirp/github.actions.results.api.v1.ArtifactService/UploadArtifact?sig=yWWEI8tIIECp8D7E5TVh4_6G2pZxWaVdQcSYaCsx5s0=&expires=2024-08-26+07%3A20%3A49.886890537+%2B0200+CEST&artifactName=mymodule-1.2.3.zip&taskID=63 SIGNED_UPLOAD_URL="$( echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -n 's/.*"signedUploadUrl" *: *"\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/p' )" # Upload our file # (note: adding '&comp=block' at the end of the URL) wget --method PUT --body-file "$MYFILENAME.zip" "$SIGNED_UPLOAD_URL&comp=block" # Finalize the artifact wget -O - \ --header 'Content-Type:application/json' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ --post-data "$( printf '{"hash":"sha256:%s", "name":"%s", "size":"%d", "workflow_run_backend_id":"%s", "workflow_job_run_backend_id":"%s"}' "$( sha256sum $MYFILENAME.zip | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+.*//' )" "$MYFILENAME" "$( stat -c %s $MYFILENAME.zip )" "$WORKFLOW_RUN_BACKEND_ID" "$WORKFLOW_JOB_RUN_BACKEND_ID" )" \ "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL"/twirp/github.actions.results.api.v1.ArtifactService/FinalizeArtifact