<?php /* Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Laurent Destailleur <eldy@users.sourceforge.net> * Copyright (C) 2018 SuperAdmin * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * \file test/functional/sendfacrecmailFunctionalTest.php * \ingroup sendfacrecmail * \brief Example Selenium test. * * Put detailed description here. */ namespace test\functional; use PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException; /** * Class sendfacrecmailFunctionalTest * * Requires chromedriver for Google Chrome * Requires geckodriver for Mozilla Firefox * * @fixme Firefox (Geckodriver/Marionette) support * @todo Opera linux support * @todo Windows support (IE, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari) * @todo OSX support (Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) * * @package Testsendfacrecmail */ class sendfacrecmailFunctionalTest extends \PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase { // TODO: move to a global configuration file? /** @var string Base URL of the webserver under test */ protected static $base_url = 'http://dev.zenfusion.fr'; /** * @var string Dolibarr admin username * @see authenticate */ protected static $dol_admin_user = 'admin'; /** * @var string Dolibarr admin password * @see authenticate */ protected static $dol_admin_pass = 'admin'; /** @var int Dolibarr module ID */ private static $module_id = 500000; // TODO: autodetect? /** @var array Browsers to test with */ public static $browsers = array( array( 'browser' => 'Google Chrome on Linux', 'browserName' => 'chrome', 'sessionStrategy' => 'shared', 'desiredCapabilities' => array() ), // Geckodriver does not keep the session at the moment?! // XPath selectors also don't seem to work // array( // 'browser' => 'Mozilla Firefox on Linux', // 'browserName' => 'firefox', // 'sessionStrategy' => 'shared', // 'desiredCapabilities' => array( // 'marionette' => true // ) // ) ); /** * Helper function to select links by href * * @param string $value Href * @return mixed Helper string */ protected function byHref($value) { $anchor = null; $anchors = $this->elements($this->using('tag name')->value('a')); foreach ($anchors as $anchor) { if (strstr($anchor->attribute('href'), $value)) { break; } } return $anchor; } /** * Global test setup * @return void */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { } /** * Unit test setup * @return void */ public function setUp() { $this->setSeleniumServerRequestsTimeout(3600); $this->setBrowserUrl(self::$base_url); } /** * Verify pre conditions * @return void */ protected function assertPreConditions() { } /** * Handle Dolibarr authentication * @return void */ private function authenticate() { try { if ($this->byId('login')) { $login = $this->byId('username'); $login->clear(); $login->value('admin'); $password = $this->byId('password'); $password->clear(); $password->value('admin'); $this->byId('login')->submit(); } } catch (PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException $e) { // Login does not exist. Assume we are already authenticated } } /** * Test enabling developer mode * @return bool */ public function testEnableDeveloperMode() { $this->url('/admin/const.php'); $this->authenticate(); $main_features_level_path='//input[@value="MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL"]/following::input[@type="text"]'; $main_features_level = $this->byXPath($main_features_level_path); $main_features_level->clear(); $main_features_level->value('2'); $this->byName('update')->click(); // Page reloaded, we need a new XPath $main_features_level = $this->byXPath($main_features_level_path); return $this->assertEquals('2', $main_features_level->value(), "MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL value is 2"); } /** * Test enabling the module * * @depends testEnableDeveloperMode * @return bool */ public function testModuleEnabled() { $this->url('/admin/modules.php'); $this->authenticate(); $module_status_image_path='//a[contains(@href, "' . self::$module_id . '")]/img'; $module_status_image = $this->byXPath($module_status_image_path); if (strstr($module_status_image->attribute('src'), 'switch_off.png')) { // Enable the module $this->byHref('modsendfacrecmail')->click(); } else { // Disable the module $this->byHref('modsendfacrecmail')->click(); // Reenable the module $this->byHref('modsendfacrecmail')->click(); } // Page reloaded, we need a new Xpath $module_status_image = $this->byXPath($module_status_image_path); return $this->assertContains('switch_on.png', $module_status_image->attribute('src'), "Module enabled"); } /** * Test access to the configuration page * * @depends testModuleEnabled * @return bool */ public function testConfigurationPage() { $this->url('/custom/sendfacrecmail/admin/setup.php'); $this->authenticate(); return $this->assertContains('sendfacrecmail/admin/setup.php', $this->url(), 'Configuration page'); } /** * Test access to the about page * * @depends testConfigurationPage * @return bool */ public function testAboutPage() { $this->url('/custom/sendfacrecmail/admin/about.php'); $this->authenticate(); return $this->assertContains('sendfacrecmail/admin/about.php', $this->url(), 'About page'); } /** * Test about page is rendering Markdown * * @depends testAboutPage * @return bool */ public function testAboutPageRendersMarkdownReadme() { $this->url('/custom/sendfacrecmail/admin/about.php'); $this->authenticate(); return $this->assertEquals( 'Dolibarr Module Template (aka My Module)', $this->byTag('h1')->text(), "Readme title" ); } /** * Test box is properly declared * * @depends testModuleEnabled * @return bool */ public function testBoxDeclared() { $this->url('/admin/boxes.php'); $this->authenticate(); return $this->assertContains('sendfacrecmailwidget1', $this->source(), "Box enabled"); } /** * Test trigger is properly enabled * * @depends testModuleEnabled * @return bool */ public function testTriggerDeclared() { $this->url('/admin/triggers.php'); $this->authenticate(); return $this->assertContains( 'interface_99_modsendfacrecmail_sendfacrecmailTriggers.class.php', $this->byTag('body')->text(), "Trigger declared" ); } /** * Test trigger is properly declared * * @depends testTriggerDeclared * @return bool */ public function testTriggerEnabled() { $this->url('/admin/triggers.php'); $this->authenticate(); return $this->assertContains( 'tick.png', $this->byXPath('//td[text()="interface_99_modsendfacrecmail_MyTrigger.class.php"]/following::img')->attribute('src'), "Trigger enabled" ); } /** * Verify post conditions * @return void */ protected function assertPostConditions() { } /** * Unit test teardown * @return void */ public function tearDown() { } /** * Global test teardown * @return void */ public static function tearDownAfterClass() { } }