diff --git a/ChangeLog.md b/ChangeLog.md index c479d0a..4cc1cb8 100644 --- a/ChangeLog.md +++ b/ChangeLog.md @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ # CHANGELOG SENDRECURRINGINVOICEBYMAIL FOR DOLIBARR ERP CRM +## 0.2.7 +Add the possibility to overwrite some email fields (recipients, subject, body) for each template. + ## 0.2.5 Little cleanup : no reload needed for last_main_doc. ## 0.2.3 Renaming from 'sendfacrecmail' to 'sendrecurringinvoicebymail'. - ## 0.1.2 First working version. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fe83aa0..904240b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,6 +6,31 @@ This module send the PDF generated with recurring invoices by email to the clien You can customize the mail template in Home > Setup > Emails > Email templates. +Beta - test in progress : you can also customize for each template invoice, by adding some of those blocks in the private notes of the template. +``` +This is a good client (this is outside of the %%% blocks so it won't appear in the mails :) + +%%% sendrecurringinvoicebymail::body +Hello dear client, + +Please find attached... invoice __REF__... + +__(Sincerely)__, + +__MYCOMPANY_NAME__ +%%% + +%%% sendrecurringinvoicebymail::subject +My custom subject +%%% +%%% sendrecurringinvoicebymail::sendto +test1@example.org, "Mr. Test2" +%%% +``` + + +## Requirements + It requires Dolibarr version 10.0 at least (first version with the 'cron/afterCreationOfRecurringInvoice()' hook).