// Use here a free id (See in Home -> System information -> Dolibarr for list of used modules id).
$this->numero=468101;// TODO Go on page https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/List_of_modules_id to reserve id number for your module
// Key text used to identify module (for permissions, menus, etc...)
// Family can be 'base' (core modules),'crm','financial','hr','projects','products','ecm','technic' (transverse modules),'interface' (link with external tools),'other','...'
// It is used to group modules by family in module setup page
// Module position in the family on 2 digits ('01', '10', '20', ...)
// Gives the possibility for the module, to provide his own family info and position of this family (Overwrite $this->family and $this->module_position. Avoid this)
// Module label (no space allowed), used if translation string 'ModulesendrecurringinvoicebymailName' not found (sendrecurringinvoicebymail is name of module).
// Key used in llx_const table to save module status enabled/disabled (where SENDRECURRINGINVOICEBYMAIL is value of property name of module in uppercase)
// Define some features supported by module (triggers, login, substitutions, menus, css, etc...)
'triggers'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own trigger directory (core/triggers)
'login'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own login method file (core/login)
'substitutions'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own substitution function file (core/substitutions)
'menus'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own menus handler directory (core/menus)
'theme'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own theme directory (theme)
'tpl'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module overwrite template dir (core/tpl)
'barcode'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own barcode directory (core/modules/barcode)
'models'=>0,// Set this to 1 if module has its own models directory (core/modules/xxx)
//'css' => array('/sendrecurringinvoicebymail/css/sendrecurringinvoicebymail.css.php'), // Set this to relative path of css file if module has its own css file
//'js' => array('/sendrecurringinvoicebymail/js/sendrecurringinvoicebymail.js.php'), // Set this to relative path of js file if module must load a js on all pages
'hooks'=>array('cron'),// Set here all hooks context managed by module. To find available hook context, make a "grep -r '>initHooks(' *" on source code. You can also set hook context 'all'
'moduleforexternal'=>0// Set this to 1 if feature of module are opened to external users
// Data directories to create when module is enabled.
$this->depends=array('modFacture');// List of module class names as string that must be enabled if this module is enabled. Example: array('always1'=>'modModuleToEnable1','always2'=>'modModuleToEnable2', 'FR1'=>'modModuleToEnableFR'...)
$this->requiredby=array();// List of module class names as string to disable if this one is disabled. Example: array('modModuleToDisable1', ...)
$this->conflictwith=array();// List of module class names as string this module is in conflict with. Example: array('modModuleToDisable1', ...)
//$this->phpmin = array(5,4); // Minimum version of PHP required by module
$this->need_dolibarr_version=array(10,0);// Minimum version of Dolibarr required by module
$this->warnings_activation=array();// Warning to show when we activate module. array('always'='text') or array('FR'='textfr','ES'='textes'...)
$this->warnings_activation_ext=array();// Warning to show when we activate an external module. array('always'='text') or array('FR'='textfr','ES'='textes'...)
$this->tabs[]=array('data'=>'invoice-rec:+sendrecurringinvoicebymail:SendingByMail:sendrecurringinvoicebymail@sendrecurringinvoicebymail:sendrecurringinvoicebymail/fiche-rec-tab1.php?id=__ID__');// To add a new tab identified by code tabname1
// Example:
// $this->tabs[] = array('data'=>'objecttype:+tabname1:Title1:mylangfile@sendrecurringinvoicebymail:$user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->read:/sendrecurringinvoicebymail/mynewtab1.php?id=__ID__'); // To add a new tab identified by code tabname1
// $this->tabs[] = array('data'=>'objecttype:+tabname2:SUBSTITUTION_Title2:mylangfile@sendrecurringinvoicebymail:$user->rights->othermodule->read:/sendrecurringinvoicebymail/mynewtab2.php?id=__ID__', // To add another new tab identified by code tabname2. Label will be result of calling all substitution functions on 'Title2' key.
// $this->tabs[] = array('data'=>'objecttype:-tabname:NU:conditiontoremove'); // To remove an existing tab identified by code tabname
'tabname'=>array(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."table1",MAIN_DB_PREFIX."table2",MAIN_DB_PREFIX."table3"),// List of tables we want to see into dictonnary editor
'tablib'=>array("Table1","Table2","Table3"),// Label of tables
'tabsql'=>array('SELECT f.rowid as rowid, f.code, f.label, f.active FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'table1 as f','SELECT f.rowid as rowid, f.code, f.label, f.active FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'table2 as f','SELECT f.rowid as rowid, f.code, f.label, f.active FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'table3 as f'),// Request to select fields
'tabsqlsort'=>array("label ASC","label ASC","label ASC"),// Sort order
'tabfield'=>array("code,label","code,label","code,label"),// List of fields (result of select to show dictionary)
'tabfieldvalue'=>array("code,label","code,label","code,label"),// List of fields (list of fields to edit a record)
'tabfieldinsert'=>array("code,label","code,label","code,label"),// List of fields (list of fields for insert)
'tabrowid'=>array("rowid","rowid","rowid"),// Name of columns with primary key (try to always name it 'rowid')
'tabcond'=>array($conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled,$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled,$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled)// Condition to show each dictionary
//0=>array('file'=>'sendrecurringinvoicebymailwidget1.php@sendrecurringinvoicebymail','note'=>'Widget provided by sendrecurringinvoicebymail','enabledbydefaulton'=>'Home'),
//1=>array('file'=>'sendrecurringinvoicebymailwidget2.php@sendrecurringinvoicebymail','note'=>'Widget provided by sendrecurringinvoicebymail'),
//2=>array('file'=>'sendrecurringinvoicebymailwidget3.php@sendrecurringinvoicebymail','note'=>'Widget provided by sendrecurringinvoicebymail')
// Cronjobs (List of cron jobs entries to add when module is enabled)
// unit_frequency must be 60 for minute, 3600 for hour, 86400 for day, 604800 for week
$this->rights=array();// Permission array used by this module
$this->rights[$r][0]=$this->numero+$r;// Permission id (must not be already used)
$this->rights[$r][1]='Read myobject of sendrecurringinvoicebymail';// Permission label
$this->rights[$r][3]=1;// Permission by default for new user (0/1)
$this->rights[$r][4]='read';// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2)
$this->rights[$r][5]='';// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2)
$this->rights[$r][0]=$this->numero+$r;// Permission id (must not be already used)
$this->rights[$r][1]='Create/Update myobject of sendrecurringinvoicebymail';// Permission label
$this->rights[$r][3]=1;// Permission by default for new user (0/1)
$this->rights[$r][4]='write';// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2)
$this->rights[$r][5]='';// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2)
$this->rights[$r][0]=$this->numero+$r;// Permission id (must not be already used)
$this->rights[$r][1]='Delete myobject of sendrecurringinvoicebymail';// Permission label
$this->rights[$r][3]=1;// Permission by default for new user (0/1)
$this->rights[$r][4]='delete';// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2)
$this->rights[$r][5]='';// In php code, permission will be checked by test if ($user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2)
// Main menu entries
$this->menu=array();// List of menus to add
// Add here entries to declare new menus
$this->menu[$r++]=array('fk_menu'=>'',// '' if this is a top menu. For left menu, use 'fk_mainmenu=xxx' or 'fk_mainmenu=xxx,fk_leftmenu=yyy' where xxx is mainmenucode and yyy is a leftmenucode
'langs'=>'sendrecurringinvoicebymail@sendrecurringinvoicebymail',// Lang file to use (without .lang) by module. File must be in langs/code_CODE/ directory.
'enabled'=>'$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled',// Define condition to show or hide menu entry. Use '$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled' if entry must be visible if module is enabled.
'perms'=>'1',// Use 'perms'=>'$user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2' if you want your menu with a permission rules
'user'=>2);// 0=Menu for internal users, 1=external users, 2=both
$this->menu[$r++]=array('fk_menu'=>'fk_mainmenu=sendrecurringinvoicebymail',// '' if this is a top menu. For left menu, use 'fk_mainmenu=xxx' or 'fk_mainmenu=xxx,fk_leftmenu=yyy' where xxx is mainmenucode and yyy is a leftmenucode
'langs'=>'sendrecurringinvoicebymail@sendrecurringinvoicebymail',// Lang file to use (without .lang) by module. File must be in langs/code_CODE/ directory.
'enabled'=>'$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled',// Define condition to show or hide menu entry. Use '$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled' if entry must be visible if module is enabled. Use '$leftmenu==\'system\'' to show if leftmenu system is selected.
'perms'=>'1',// Use 'perms'=>'$user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2' if you want your menu with a permission rules
'user'=>2);// 0=Menu for internal users, 1=external users, 2=both
$this->menu[$r++]=array('fk_menu'=>'fk_mainmenu=sendrecurringinvoicebymail,fk_leftmenu=sendrecurringinvoicebymail',// '' if this is a top menu. For left menu, use 'fk_mainmenu=xxx' or 'fk_mainmenu=xxx,fk_leftmenu=yyy' where xxx is mainmenucode and yyy is a leftmenucode
'langs'=>'sendrecurringinvoicebymail@sendrecurringinvoicebymail',// Lang file to use (without .lang) by module. File must be in langs/code_CODE/ directory.
'enabled'=>'$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled',// Define condition to show or hide menu entry. Use '$conf->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->enabled' if entry must be visible if module is enabled. Use '$leftmenu==\'system\'' to show if leftmenu system is selected.
'perms'=>'1',// Use 'perms'=>'$user->rights->sendrecurringinvoicebymail->level1->level2' if you want your menu with a permission rules
'user'=>2);// 0=Menu for internal users, 1=external users, 2=both
//$this->export_dependencies_array[$r]=array('mysubobject'=>'ts.rowid', 't.myfield'=>array('t.myfield2','t.myfield3')); // To force to activate one or several fields if we select some fields that need same (like to select a unique key if we ask a field of a child to avoid the DISTINCT to discard them, or for computed field than need several other fields)
$this->export_sql_start[$r]='SELECT DISTINCT ';
$this->export_sql_end[$r]=' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'myobject as t';
$this->export_sql_end[$r].=' WHERE 1 = 1';
$this->export_sql_end[$r].=' AND t.entity IN ('.getEntity('myobject').')';
if($result<0)return-1;// Do not activate module if error 'not allowed' returned when loading module SQL queries (the _load_table run sql with run_sql with the error allowed parameter set to 'default')
// Launch small and conditional SQL queries
// we check if our model already exists
$result=$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cpt FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_email_templates WHERE module = 'sendrecurringinvoicebymail'");
$sql[]="INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_email_templates
'__(Hello)__,\n\nPlease find attached your new invoice.\n\nIn case of payment via bank transfer (our bank infos added at the bottom of the invoice), remember to add some references :\n- invoice number __REF__ for a one-time transfer,\n- or the contract/subscription reference __CONTRACT_REF__ for periodic transfers.\n\n__(Sincerely)__,\n\n__MYCOMPANY_NAME__')";
// Reactivate the template in case the module has been
// uninstalled which should have disabled the template.
$sql[]="UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_email_templates SET enabled = 1 WHERE module = 'sendrecurringinvoicebymail'";
// Cleaning up old (and ugly) system which
// used note_private to store overriding data.
// TODO: Remove this block at next version.
$result=$this->db->query("SELECT r.rowid AS rid, r.note_private, s.rowid AS sid FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."facture_rec AS r LEFT JOIN ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."sribm_custom_mail_info AS s ON r.rowid = s.fk_facture_rec WHERE r.note_private LIKE '%sendrecurringinvoicebymail::%'");
$this->db->query("UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."sribm_custom_mail_info SET ".$item." = '".$this->db->escape($mail_data[$key])."' WHERE rowid = ".(int)$sid);
// If the note_private specified a recipient, we disable sending to the
// main societe's mail.
$this->db->query("UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."sribm_custom_mail_info SET sendto_thirdparty = 0 WHERE rowid = ".(int)$row->rid);